This article was originally published in Italian on Thegamesmachine.it in 2015.
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden has a somewhat odd legacy. This title belongs to a series I personally discovered through friends with Super Famicoms (the Japanese version of the SNES) and a deep passion for anime tie-in games. To clarify, we’re talking about a fighting saga born in ’93 that limped along sporadically to the present day, with most entries never released in the West, developed by the shadowy studio TOSE—a name so obscure in the West, I dare anyone to claim they’ve heard of it (and no, checking Wikipedia doesn’t count). Bandai Namco ultimately handed the latest Butoden installment to Arc System Works, who, much like Omega Force with their “Musou” titles, have become ubiquitous in recent years, especially in the dwindling landscape of 2D fighters. Known for their work on Guilty Gear and BlazBlue, these prolific fighting-game maestros aimed to deliver a traditional, energy-blast-fueled brawler for fans of the recently revitalized manga (via new anime films and a fresh series). Essentially, they sought to distance the game from the QTE-heavy, cutscene-laden schlock that DIMPS and Spike Chunsoft have conditioned us to expect on consoles.
Back in the Game Boy Advance era, Arc handled two portable Dragon Ball titles, but with Extreme Butoden, hardware limitations are a non-issue. So, does this mean we finally get a proper classic DBZ fighter? Sadly, no. Or rather, given the studio’s pedigree, we should have expected more.
Despite Arc’s reputation as 2D fighting-game wizards, the team behind Persona 4 Arena dialed back their signature depth to deliver a game that’s accessible but shallow. The roster, surprisingly, offers just over 20 fighters—a letdown compared to past DBZ games. Worse, every character shares virtually the same moveset, prompting eye-rolls and distant cries of a franchise milked dry. While inputs are universal (à la Saint Seiya: Soldiers’ Soul), on-screen results vary, letting players master energy blasts and combos without memorizing lengthy inputs. The mechanics are thrown at players head-on, with single-player modes undermining dodges and combos via laughably low difficulty.
Things only click after finishing Story Mode and unlocking additional options, like revisiting the anime’s plot through different characters’ eyes or diving into fan fiction-tier “what-ifs” (no GokuXBulma, alas). Completing Adventure Mode—the lone single-player highlight—rewards players based on battle performance, but as the cringe-worthy pre-fight skits play out (THANK GOD they’re skippable), you’ll likely wonder, “What’s this ‘Explosive Combo’ the mission demands?” The game’s minimalist systems desperately needed a tutorial, yet it settles for pause-menu tips.
It’s a shame nothing introduces or elevates the mechanics Arc crafted specifically for Butoden, a serviceable-but-simple game. Paradoxically, the inclusion of 100+ support characters (summoned via the 3DS’s bottom screen) and custom team-building feels like setup for a robust multiplayer mode—one that doesn’t exist.
In 2015, with the 3DS’s capabilities and Nintendo’s newfound embrace of online play (even Zelda got it), Extreme Butoden bizarrely restricts battles to local multiplayer. This self-sabotage cripples an already middling game, cementing it as a missed opportunity. Rumors of future updates adding training and online modes linger, but as of now, Bandai Namco’s latest feels incomplete. The single-player offerings plod along with half-baked modes that fail to showcase the combat’s potential.
Arc’s good faith shines in the polished presentation: expressive 2D sprites and tasteful stereoscopic 3D effects (despite special moves dragging on). Yet glaring inaccuracies—like teen Gohan appearing in the Saiyan Saga or SSJ2 labeled generically—will irk fans. Then again, even back on Super Famicom, I preferred Hyper Dimension to Super Butoden.
Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden carries so many flaws that a passing grade based on patch-hopium feels disingenuous. The low-effort animated intro suggests Bandai Namco treated this as a budget cash-in for young 3DS owners seeking casual fun with friends. If that’s the bar, sure, Butoden works—but from Arc System Works, we should expect far more. Far more